David Charles Mulhern

I was born in the Pacific Northwest. I live there now, near the forest. I have worked from home for twelve years. I write and make art and do other things. My profession is product design.

I've always wanted to be in design. Two family friends shared a design firm and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I have their mug next to me now, Wilson/Johnson Creative.

First Client

In fifth grade, a gang of children rose to prominence at my school. I realized they needed a logo so I pitched a few ideas to their leader. They called themselves the Squab Mob.

David Advertising

In the early nineties, I used Quark Express and Pagemaker to design print ads for brick and mortar organizations.

Shout out to my camp counseler for filming and editing this promo video when I just got started. The piece mostly contains my photography portfolio and the many phone calls it takes to run a design firm.